Upper Limb Ischemia
Question.1. Write short note on cervical rib.
Answer. This is an extra rib present in the neck in about l–2% of the population.
Commonly, unilateral and in some cases, it is bilateral.
It is more frequently encountered on the right side.
lt is the anterior tubercle of the transverse process of the 7th cervical vertebra which attains excessive development and results in cervical rib.
Read And Learn More: General Surgery Question And Answers
Types Of Cervical Rib
- Type I: Free end of the cervical rib is expanded into a hard,bony mass that can be felt in the neck.
- Type II: Complete cervical rib extends from C7 vertebra posteriorly to the manubrium anteriorly.
- Type III: Incomplet e cervical rib, which is partly bony,partly firous.
- Type IV: A complete firous band which gives rise to symptoms but cannot be diagnosed by X-ray.
Cervical Rib Clinical Features
- It is common in young females.
- Dull aching pain in the neck is caused by expanded bony end of cervical rib.
- Upper limb ischemia is usually present.
- Ulnar nerve paralysis or weakness manifest as paralysis,of interosseous muscles.
- A hard mass may be movable or visible or palpable in neck.
- On palpation a thrill and on auscultation, a bruit can be heard in cases of post stenotic dilatation.
Cervical Rib Differential Diagnosis
- Cervical spondylosis: This should be considered as a possibility in patients above the age of 40 years.
- Cervical disc protrusion and spinal cord tumors: May mimic cervical rib with the predominant neurological feature.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome can occur due to various causes such as myxoedema, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Predominant features of median nerve involvement, more so in menopausal women gives a clue to the diagnosis. - Raynaud’s phenomenon.
Cervical Rib Treatment
- Conservative: Patients with mild neurological symptoms are managed by shoulder girdle exercises or correction of faulty posture.
- Surgery:
- Excision of cervical rib including periosteum: This is called extraperiosteal excision of cervical rib.
This is included with cervical sympathectomy if vascular symptoms are predominant. - If there is a thrombus in the subclavian artery, it is explored and thrombus is removed and the artery is repaired.
- At exploration, if cervical rib is not found, divide scalenus anterior muscle.
This is called sclerotomy - If hyperabduction syndrome is diagnosed, pectoralis minor is divided from its insertion into the coracoid process.
- Excision of cervical rib including periosteum: This is called extraperiosteal excision of cervical rib.
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