Functions of hypothalamus.
1. Secretion of hormones:
- Anterior pituitary hormones.
- Hypothalamus secretes releasing hormones and inhibitory hormones.
- These hormones are transported to the anterior pituitary by the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal blood vessels.
- Posterior pituitary hormones.
- These hormones are secreted by supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus.
- Transported by axonic flow through the fibers of hypothalamohypophyseal tract to posterior pituitary.
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2. Control of adrenal gland:
- Corticotropic releasing hormone is secreted which regulates adrenal cortex.
- Hypothalamic nuclei send impulses to adrenal medulla and cause release of catecholamines.
3. Regulation of automomic nervous system (ANS):
- Stimulation of the anterior hypothalamus causes parasympathetic response.
- Stimulation of the anterior hypothalamus causes parasymptathetic response.
- Stimulation of lateral areas of the hypothalamus produces sympathetic response.
4. Regulation of heart rate and blood pressure:
- Posterior and lateral nuclei – increases heart rate and BP.
- Preoptic nucleus – decreases heart rate and BP.
5. Regulation of body temperature:
- Heat loss center is present in anterior hypothalamus.
- Heat gain center is present in posterior hypothalamus.
6. Control of Hunger and feeding:
- Satiety center is located in venteromedial nuclei.
- Its stimulation causes total loss of appatite.
- Feeding center is located in lateral nucleus
- Its stimulation increases food intake.
7. Regulation of water balance:
- Osmoreceptors are located in lateral preoptic area.
- When ECF volume decreases, these receptors stimulates thirst center and initiates drinking.
- When ECF volume decreases, supraoptic nucleus causes release of ADH.
- This, in turn, causes retention of water.
8. Control of Waking – Sleep cycle:
- Stimulation of anterior hypothalamus leads to sleep.
- Stimulation of mamillary body of posterior hypothalamus causes wakefulness.
9. Control of Emotional behaviour:
- Stimulation of ventromedial nucleus pleases the persons.
- Stimulation of posterior and lateral nuclei leads to pain, fear, etc.
10. Regulation of sexual function:
- Hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin releasing hormones which regulates sexual functions.
11. Regulation of response to smell:
- Posterior hypothalamus responses to olfactory stimuli.
12. Role in circadian rhythm:
- The supraoptic and anterior nuclei of hypothalamus is responsible for circadian rhythm.
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