Medical Jurisprudence
Question 1. Write short note on dental jurisprudence.
Write short note on jurisprudence.
Answer. Dental jurisprudence is the application of legal statutes and regulations that pertain to State Dental Practice Act.
- Dentist must adhere to the federal, state and civil laws in all relations with the public.
- As an agent of the dentist, the assistant should be aware of different forms of jurisprudence and the role the assistant play in each case.
- Jurisprudence is divided into two parts civil law and criminal law.
- Most frequent law exercised in the dental care setting is civil law which is divided into two sub- classifications contracts and torts.
- If a civil charge is brought against a dentist, he or she becomes the defendant.
- The plaintiff, the person who is bringing the charges against the defendant must prove that a civil wrong was committed.
- If able to prove wrong doing, restitution is awarded to the plaintiff in a monetary amount of any pain, suffering and loss of wages that the dentist or dental treatment has caused.
- Criminal charges may be filed against a dentist for malicious injury, income tax evasion, narcotics misuse or any other criminal reason.
Question 2. Write short note on COPRA.
Write short note on Consumer Protection Act (COPRA).
Write in brief on Consumer Protection Act (COPRA).
Write short note on Consumer Protection Act.
Write short answer on Consumer Protection Act.
Answer. Consumer Protection Act, 1986 came into force on 15th April, 1987.
- COPRA is the most progressive and comprehensive piece of legislation enacted for the protection of consumers.
- Main objective of COPRA is to provide for better protection of consumers.
- Provision of COPRA is compensatory in nature.
- COPRA provides simple, speedy and inexpensive readdressed to the consumer grievances and relief of a specific nature and award of compensation whichever is appropriate to the consumer.
- Amendments in COPRA were done in year 1993 and 2002 to extend its coverage and scope and for enhancing the powers of redressal machinery.
Read And Learn More: Public Health Dentistry Question And Answers
Liabilities of COPRA
COPRA is liable to following:
- Medical/Dental practitioners doing independent medical/dental practice unless rendering only free service.
- Private hospitals charging all patients.
- Hospitals having free and paying patients. All free and paying patients receiving treatment in such hospitals.
- Medical or dental practitioners as well as hospitals who are paid by insurance company for treatment of a client.
Nonliabilities of COPRA
COPRA is not liable to
- Collecting fee
- Referring patients
- Not attending on patients outside clinic timing
- Not accepting patients, in case of benefit of doubt.
Forums of COPRA
Advantages of COPRA
- Administration of justice under COPRA is totally free.
- Consumer court does not levy court fee in respect of legal proceedings.
- Threw COPRA patients and their relatives get speedy redressal in cases of medical negligence.
- You can be your own lawyer before consumer courts, though appointment of lawyer is not prohibited.
- A consumer court does not encourage the appearance of lawyer and extensive long widened arguments.
- Procedural simplicity and amicable atmosphere prevailing in consumer courts is more encouraging as compared to lengthy and procedure oriented civil court proceedings.
Disadvantages of COPRA
- Such courts remains weak because of inadequate facilities and funds from state governments.
- In some cases, appointments of politicians or low qualified persons on panel occur.
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