Question 1. Formation, functions and fate of notochord.
- The notochord is a midline structure, that develops between the cranial end of (he primitive streak and the caudal end of the prochordal plate.
- The cranial end of the primitive streak becomes thickened to form primitive knot/node,
- A depression appears in the centre of it called blastopore.
- Cells in the primitive knot multiply and pass cranially upto caudal margin of the prochordal plate to form solid cord called notochordal process.
- After the formation of the blastopore, its cavity extends into notochordal process and converts ft Into notochordal canal.
- Its cells become mixed up with the endodermal cells.
Read And Learn More: BDS Previous Examination Question And Answers
- Notochordal canal is separated from yolk sac.
- Notochordal canal communicates with amniotic cavity.
- Gradually the walls of the canal become flattened forming notochordal plate.
- This process is reversed so that the plate assume the shape ofa tube.
- The proliferation of cells of this tube converts it into solid rod called definitive notochord.
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