Question 1. Describe the boundaries and contents of carotid triangle of neck (or) Name four branches of external carotid artery given in the carotid triangle (or) Lingual artery (or) Name the muscles forming the floor of carotid triangle.
Carotid Triangle:
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1. Arteries:
- Common carotid artery:
- It enters the canal at its inferior angle & ascends upwards
- It terminates in the center of the triangle by bifurcating into the internal & external carotid arteries
- At its termination it presents a carotid sinus & a carotid body
Carotid sinus: - It is fusiform dilatation
- It act as a baroreceptor
Carotid body: - It is a small oval structure situated close to the posterior wall of the carotid sinus
- It acts as a chemoreceptor
- External carotid artery:
- It arises from the common carotid artery in the triangle & lies anteromedially
- It gives out following branches in triangle
3. Internal carotid artery:
- It lies posterolaterally
- It doesn’t give any branches in the carotid triangle
2. Veins:
- Internal jugular vein
- It is located near the posterior angle of the triangle lying lateral to the internal & common carotid arteries
- Common facial vein drains into internal jugular vein
- Pharyngeal veining in the internal jugular vein
- Lingual vein terminates in the internal jugular vein
3. Nerves:
- Vagus nerve
- Superior laryngeal branch of the vagus
- It divides into external & internal laryngeal nerves
- Spinal accessory nerve
- Runs backwards over the internal jugular vein
- Hypoglossal nerve
- Runs forward over external & internal carotid arteries
- Sympathetic chain
- Runs posterior to the carotid sheath
4. Carotid sheath with its contents:
- It contains
- Common carotid artery
- Internal carotid artery
- Internal jugular vein
- Vagus nerve
5. Lymph nodes:
- The carotid triangle contains deep cervical lymph node
- This includes
- Jugulodigastric node
- Juguloomohyoid node
Question 2. Lingual artery
- It arises from the external carotid artery opposite the tip of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone
- It is divided into the following parts
Structures supplied by it:
- Sensory nerve of the tongue
- Supplies various muscles, papillae & taste buds of the tongue
- Also gives branches to tonsils.
Question 3. External carotid artery.
- It is one of the terminal branches of the common carotid artery
- It lies anterior to the internal carotid artery
Structures supplied by it:
- Chief artery for structures in the front of the neck & in the face
1. In the carotid triangle:
- Lies under anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
- Superficially related to
- Cervical branch of the facial nerve
- Hypoglossal nerve
- Facial, Lingual & superior thyroid veins
- Deeply related to
- Wall of the pharynx
- Superior laryngeal nerve
- Ascending pharyngeal artery
2. Above the carotid triangle:
- Lies deep to the parotid gland
- Within the gland related superficially to
- Retromandibular vein
- Facial nerve
- Deeply the artery is related to
- Internal carotid artery
- Structures passing between the external & internal carotid arteries
- Superior laryngeal nerve
- Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion
- Deeply the artery is related to
Question 4. Carotid triangle (or) Boundaries and contents of carotid triangle
Carotid Triangle:
Question 5. Infrahyoid muscles
Question 6. Anterior jugular vein
It is a small vein beginning in the Submental region below the chin
- Descends in the superficial fascia
- Pierces the investing layer of deep cervical fascia
- Enters suprasternal space
- Connects to its opposite branch by jugular venous arch
- Next runs deep to the sternocleidomastoid
- Ends in the external jugular vein at the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid.
Question 7. Mention the branches of lingual artery
Question 8. Submental triangle.
- It is a median triangle.
Question 9. Name the muscles which bring about depression of the hyoid bone
- Muscles that bring about depression of hyoid bone are
- Sternohyoid
- Thyrohyoid
- Omohyoid
Question 10. Digastric triangle (or) Contents of digastrics triangle.
Question 11. Infrahyoid muscle
- Infrahyoid muscles are sternothyroid, sternohyoid, thyrohyoid and omohyoid
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