Surgical Orthodontics
Question 1. Write short note on Edward’s procedure.
Write short note on pericision.
Write short answer on circumferential supracrestal fibrotomy.
Answer. Since the procedure was given by Edward it is named as Edward’s procedure
- This procedure is carried out to help minimize the extent of rotational relapse of teeth.
- It is also known as supracrestal fibrotomy or circumferential supracrestal fibrotomy or sulcus slice procedure or pericision.
Principle of Edward’s Procedure
- Relapse after orthodontic treatment occur due to rebound of network of elastic supracrestal gingival fibers.
- As teeth move to new position, these fibers are stretched and remodelling of these fires take long time.
- This procedure involves elimination of pull of elastic supracrestal gingival fibers by sectioning these fibers.
- Teeth are held in the corrected position when the fibers heal, thereby reducing the relapse caused by elasticity of the gingival fibers.
Read And Learn More: Orthodontics Question And Answers
Edward’s Procedure
- Under local anesthesia, sharp point of the fie blade (No 15 B.P blade) is inserted into the gingival crevice till the alveolar crest of the bone.
- Blade should be kept parallel to the tooth surface.
- At around the circumference of the tooth, blade is passed. This severs the fibers connecting tooth to the gingival soft tissues.
- Interproximal cuts should be made on each side of the rotated tooth.
- At along the labial and lingual gingival margins cuts are also given. If the labial gingiva is thin, this cut is removed.
- Pericision is generally undertaken as adjunctive retention procedure after correction of rotations.
Question 2. Write short note on levator anguli oris.
- It is also known as caninus muscle.
- Levator anguli oris is one of the smiling muscles.
- Levator anguli oris is the deep muscle of upper lip.
- Function of this muscle is to raise the corners of mouth.
- Activity or hyperactivity of this smiling muscle is a neuromuscular function and can mislead dentist into a false impression of excess tooth/gingival display during smiling.
- Hyperactivity of the muscle causes excess incisal gingival display.
- In such cases there is need of maxillary impaction surgery.
Question 3. Write short note on envelope of discrepancy.
Answer. Envelope of discrepancy indicates that how much is the change obtained by the various methods of treatment.
- Inner circle shows the limits of an orthodontic treatment.
- Middle circle shows the limit to tooth movement combined along with growth modifiation.
- Outer circle indicates surgical correction.
- Possibility of each treatment is not symmetric with regards to the plane of space.
- Envelope of discrepancy acts as a guideline for the indication of three types of treatment, i.e.:
- Camouflage
- Orthodontics + growth modification
- Orthodontics + surgery
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