Question 1. Somites
- Cells of paraxial mesoderm gets segmented into somitomeres and somites
- Somites are cubical and more distinctly segmented
- Most cranial somites are located in occipital region New somites are formed caudal to them
- There are about 44 pairs of somites
- 4-occipital
- 8-cervical
- 12-thoracic
- 5-lumbar
- 5-sacral
- 8-10-coccygeal
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Somites Fate of Somites:
- Ventromedial part called sclerotome gives rise to the vertebral column and ribs
- Lateral part called dermatome give rise to the dermis of the skin and to subcutaneous tissue
- Intermediate part called myotome gives rise to striated muscle
Cranial to it:- Occipital somites give rise to muscles of the tongue and supplied by hypoglossal nerve
- Pre-occipital somites are supplied by third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves
Question 2. Yolk sac
- As the fluid from the uterine cavity enters morula, it gets converted to blastocyst The outer layer of it is formed by trophoblast and inner layer by inner cell mass
- Some of the inner cell mass layer cells become flattened – these are called hypoblast
- Remaining cells become columnar to form epiblast
- The space between epiblast and hypoblast is called amniotic cavity
- Flattened cells from hypoblast spread and line blastocytic cavity and form primary yolk sac
- After formation of extra-embryonic coelom, the yolk sac becomes smaller and lined by cubical cells and form secondary yolk sac
Question 2. Effects of fertilization:
Effects of fertilization Fertilization:
- It is the process by which male and female gametes fuse is known as fertilization.
- Site: In the ampullary region of the uterine tube.
- Effects:
- Binding of sperm to zona pellucid of the ovum.
- Penetration of the sperm through the zona pellucida
- Fusion of the cell membranes of the sperm and the ovum.
- Release of acrosomal enzymes.
- Prevention of entry of other spermatozoon into the oocyte.
- Metabolic changes within the ovum.
- The diploid chromosome number is restored.
- Sex determination takes place.
Question 3. Intraembryonic mesoderm.
- The embryonic disc is made up of three germ layers – ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.
- The mesoderm layer present within the embryonic disc is known as intra – embryonic mesoderm.
- It spreads throughout the disc except in the region of the prochordal plate,
- It shows three subdivision.
- Paraxial mesoderm.
- It is the mesoderm next to the middle line.
- It undergoes segmentation to form somites.
- Later plate mesoderm.
- Lateral plate mesoderm.
- It contains intra-embryonic coelem.
- Intermediate mesoderm.
- It is a strip of mesoderm present between the lateral plate mesoderm and the paraxial mesoderm.
- Paraxial mesoderm.
- Time of formation: 19 days of IU life.
Question 4. Fertilization
- It is the process by which male and female gametes fuse
- It occurs in the ampullary region of the uterine tube
Question 5. Morula
- A process called cleavage occurs which divides the ovum into smaller cells
- When ovum comes to have 16 cells it looks like mulberry so called morula
Morula Layers:
- Inner cell mass
- Gives rise to embryo proper
- Outer layer of trophoblast
- Completely surrounds the inner cell mass
- Helps to provide nutrition to embryo
- Fluid from uterine cavity separates the inner cell mass and cells of trophoblast
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