Cough Expectorant
Cough expectorants or mucokinetics are drugs that increase bronchial secretion or reduce its viscosity, facilitating its removal by coughing.
Types Of Cough Expectorants
- Bronchial secretion enhancers: Sodium or potassium citrate, potassium iodide, guaifenesin, balsam of Tolu, vasaka, ammonium chloride.
- Mucolytics: Bromhexine, ambroxol, acetylcysteine, carbocisteine.
Bronchial Secretion Enhancers
Sodium or potassium citrate: They increase bronchial secretion by salt-action.
Potassium iodide: Potassium iodide is secreted by bronchial glands and can irritate airway mucosa. Its chronic use can affect thyroid function. It is not used now.
Guaifenesin, vasaka, and Tolu balsam: They enhance the bronchial secretion and mucociliary function while being secreted by tracheobronchial glands.
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Ammonium chloride: Ammonium salts are nauseating and reflexly increase respiratory secretions.
Ammonium chloride Mechanism Of Action
Ammonium chloride Side Effects
Nausea, vomiting, and bronchospasm.
- Bromhexine is a derivative of the alkaloid vaccine which is obtained from the adhatoda vasica.
- Bromhexine is a potent mucolytic and microkinetic.
- Bromhexine is capable of inducing thin copious bronchial secretion.
Bromhexine Mechanism Of Action
Bromhexine Side Effects: Rhinorrhea, lacrimation, gastric irritation, and hypersensitivity.
Acetylcysteine And Carbocisteine
These are the mucolytics that are used as aerosols in the treatment of cough.
Central Cough Suppressant or Antitussive Drugs
Central cough suppressant is also known as antitussive.
Antitussive: These drugs act on CNS and raise the threshold of the cough center or act peripherally in the respiratory tract to reduce tussive impulse or both these actions.
Antitussive Classification
- Opioids: Codeine, pholcodine, ethylmorphine.
- Nonopioids: Noscapine, dextromethorphan, chlophedianol.
- Antihistaminic: Diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, and promethazine.
- Peripherally acting: Prenoxdiazine.
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