Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART)
Question 1. Write in brief on atraumatic restorative technique.
Write short note on atraumatic restorative technique.
Write short answer on atraumatic restrorative treatment.
Write short answer on ART.
Write short note on procedure of ART.
Answer. Atraumatic restorative technique is defined as “ Dental caries treatment procedure involving the removal of soft, demineralized tooth tissue using hand instrument alone, followed by restoration of tooth with an adhesive restorative material, routinely glass ionomer”.
Atraumatic Restorative Technique Principle
- Removing carious tooth tissues using hand instruments only.
- Restoring the cavity with a restorative material that sticks to the tooth.
Read And Learn More: Public Health Dentistry Question And Answers
Atraumatic Restorative Technique Indications
- It is used in the cavities which only involve dentin and are not extended to the pulp.
- In cavities which are accessible for the working of hand instruments.
- During the public health programs.
Atraumatic Restorative Technique Contraindications
- When there is presence of swelling, abscess, fistula near carious tooth.
- When pulp of the tooth is exposed.
- When teeth remain painful for long time.
- When carious cavity is present, but it is inaccessible to hand instruments.
Atraumatic Restorative Technique Advantages
- A biologically friendly approach involving the removal of only decalcified tooth tissues, which results in relatively small cavities and conserves sound tooth tissue.
- The limitation of pain, thereby minimizing the need for local anesthesia.
- A straight forward and simple infection control practice without the need to use sequentially autoclaved handpieces.
- Chemical adhesion of glass ionomers that reduces the need to cut sound tooth tissue for retention of the restorative material.
- Leaching of fluoride from glass ionomers which prevents secondary caries development and probably remineralizes carious dentine.
- Ease of repairing defects in the restoration.
- Low cost.
Atraumatic Restorative Technique Limitations
- Long-term survival rates for glass ionomer ART restorations and sealants are not yet available; the longest study reported so far is of three years duration.
- The technique’s acceptance by oral healthcare personnel is not yet assured.
- The possibility exists for hand fatigue from the use of hand instruments over long periods.
- Hand mixing might produce a relatively unstandardized mix of glass ionomer, varying among operators and different geographical/climatic situations.
- The misapprehension that ART can be performed easily, this is not the case and each step must be carried out to perfection.
- The apparent lack of sophistication of the technique, which might make it difficult for ART to be easily accepted by the dental profession.
- A misconception by the public that the new glass ionomer “white fillings” are only temporary dressings.
Steps/Procedure of Atraumatic Restorative Technique (ART)
- Isolate the tooth with cotton rolls.
- Clean the tooth surface to be treated with a wet cotton pellet.
- Widen the entrance of the lesion.
- Remove caries.
- Provide pulpal protection if necessary.
- Clean the occlusal surface.
- Condition the cavity and occlusal surface.
- Mix glass ionomer according to manufacturer instructions. Do not alter the powder-liquid ratio.
- Insert mixed glass ionomer into the cavity and overfill slightly.
- Press petroleum jelly-coated gloved finger on top of the entire occlusal surface and apply slight pressure.
- Check the bite.
- Remove excess material with the carver.
- Recheck the bite and adjust the height of the restoration until comfortable.
- Cover filling with petroleum jelly.
- Avoid eating or drinking for at least one hour.
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