Define dentin. Write about the physical and chemical properties of dentin. Define Dentin Dentin is the hard tissue portion of the pulp-dentin complex which forms the bulk of the tooth. Dentin Physical properties: 1. Dentin Color: Dentin is usually light yellow in color. Dentin becomes darker with age. 2. Dentin Hardness: Dentin is slightly harder … [Read more...] about Define Dentin and Structure of Dentin
Dysphagia – Symptoms and Causes
Question 1 Describe different phases of deglutition and their regulation. Answer: Deglutition: Deglutition is process by which chewed food is emptied from the mouth into the stomach. Stages/Phases of Deglutition: Read And Learn More: BDS Previous Examination Question And Answers 1. Deglutition Oral phase: Deglutition Oral phase is voluntary stage. … [Read more...] about Dysphagia – Symptoms and Causes
Hypothalamus Functions
Functions of hypothalamus. Answer: 1. Secretion of hormones: Anterior pituitary hormones. Hypothalamus secretes releasing hormones and inhibitory hormones. These hormones are transported to the anterior pituitary by the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal blood vessels. Posterior pituitary hormones. These hormones are secreted by supraoptic and … [Read more...] about Hypothalamus Functions
Ertythropoiesis Stages And Regulation
Q. What is erythropoesis and where does it occurs? Give stages of Ertythropoiesis and requirement of each stage. Answer: Erythropoiesis: Erythropoiesis is the process which involves the origin, development and maturation of erythrocytes. Site of erythropoiesis: Erythropoiesis Requirements: Oxygen - for regulation of erythropoiesis. Nutrients. … [Read more...] about Ertythropoiesis Stages And Regulation
Digestive System Question And Answers
Question 1. Describe the composition and functions of saliva. Add a note on the regulation of salivary secretion. (or) Regulation of salivary secretion. Answer: Saliva: Saliva Composition: Saliva constitutes of Water-99.5% Solids -0.5% Organic substances: Enzymes: Ptyalin or amylase Lysozyme Kallikerin Lingual lipase Maltase … [Read more...] about Digestive System Question And Answers